SILK PLASTER decorative plasters (liquid wall covering material) are a unique eco-friendly material. It is breathable, odorless, and has good thermal insulation and anti-static effect.
The content of decorative plasters is simple and environmentally friendly: textile and cellulose fibers, decorative and mineral additives, adhesive / binding agent.
The technology of production preserves the best qualities of raw material, and no harmful substances are released in the process of production.
The process of application is easy and safe, so you don’t have to move out during renovations.
SILK PLASTER decorative plasters are hypoallergenic and can be safely used in children’s bedrooms and all areas of your home.
Even in case of fire, decorative plasters don’t emit any noxious chemicals. In case of flood, liquid wallpaper can be easily repaired. In most cases it simply dries by itself without any visible traces of leakages.

SILK PLASTER has obtained a standard of fire resistance property (COFRAC standard France). Its eco-friendly characteristics and reliability are confirmed by European certificates, such as AgBB-Scheme (Cologne, Germany), EU Declaration of Performance (DoP), M1 emission certificate of building materials (Helsinki, Finland). SILK PLASTER has received such quality labels as “E3 Ecology, Energy, Efficiency”, “E3 Awards 2014” and CE Mark.
If you have any further question about SILK PLASTER, contact us for more details.
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